Graphic, UI, and UX Designer
So studio Hana has my deepest respect for being a studio fueled purely by passion and the will to create something beautiful from that passion. And being able to be a part of this team as their go-to Graphic Designer is an absolute honor.
Who am I though? Really, just a dork. You can find me eating strange foods that sound horrible, playing games and then fussing with the graphics for way too long, sitting on the couch upside down with my legs in weird places, or just laying on the floor. I'm also an illustrator and a designer. So that's cool.
As for what I do? That's easier. I'm a designer and a lover of fusing artistic energy with the elegance of orderly typography. That is my goal as an artist, actually. To find ways to make design and illustration blend so much together that they become one. Here in Studio Hana, this means having the interface and the artist's renderings work together harmoniously and to never get in the way. I look forward to hearing what you think!
Now then! If there's anything else you want to know about me - anything at all - please hit me up on Twitter, Instagram, email, carrier pigeon, or whatever you like. I look forward to hearing from you for whatever reason.
Ask about free shipping!
Kristin Stanley